Hawk Ridge October Banding Summary
October Passerine Banding Report by Dave Alexander
October Passerine Banding Report by Dave Alexander
With the exception of one five day period, October was again
warm. This slowed and spread out the passerine migration. Despite the unusual
weather conditions, we were able to band passerines at the main station for
portions of 12 days in October. 101 birds
were banded including 20 species. Our only new species for the month was Hairy
woodpecker. The most numerous species were Ruby-crowned kinglet, Hermit Thrush,
and Slate-colored Junco. We had late records in mid-October of Nashville and
Orange-crowned Warbler, and American Redstart.
October Passerine Banding Report at the Hawk Ridge Overlook by Margie Menzies
October banding at the Overlook yielded 48 birds in 6 days of banding. 11 species were captured including 5 Ruby-crowned Kinglets, 1 Golden-crowned Kinglet, 18 Black-capped Chickadees, 7 Slate-colored Juncos (Dark-eyed Juncos in your bird book), 1 Myrtle Warbler (Yellow-rumped Warbler in your bird book), 1 Blackpoll Warbler, 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch, 2 American Tree Sparrows, 9 White-throated Sparrows, 1 White-crowned Sparrow, and 2 Downy Woodpeckers. 22 birds were recaptured. October was slightly better than September for overall numbers, a little over half the birds banded at the overlook, and weather was more favorable for mist nets in October, particularly in the last couple of sessions.
A total of 85 birds were
banded at the Overlook in September and October during 13 days. 20 species were
represented including 7 species of warblers: Magnolia, Black-throated Green,
Tennessee, American Redstart, Western Palm, Myrtle, and Blackpoll Warblers, 5
species of sparrows: White-throated, White-crowned, American Tree,
Slate-colored Junco, and Fox Sparrow. Other birds banded included Ruby-crowned
and Golden-crowned Kinglets, Brown Creepers, Red-breasted Nuthatch,
Black-capped Chicakdees, Downy Woodpeckers and Swainson’s Thrush.
This year the Black-capped
Chickadee was the most numerous species captured at 27 individuals, with the
White-throated Sparrows taking second place with 23 birds. Third place is a tie
between the Ruby-crowned Kinglets ad Slate colored Juncos at 7 each, 3 Downy
Woodpeckers took fifth.
There were 30 recaptures
through the season, but some birds were recaptured multiple times, including
one over-achieving Hatch Year Chickadee, who was captured 4 times during the
season! In the end there were 20 individual birds recaptured, 19 of which were
Black-capped Chickadees and 1 Red-breasted Nuthatch. Of the 19 Chickadees
recaptured 10 were birds banded at the overlook in 2015. 9 birds were from
previous years or from the main banding station.
Margie Menzies by Karen Stubenvoll |
Many thanks to the
dedicated overlook passerine banding volunteers: Katie Brey, Brianna Borka,
Deborah Faul, Andy Witchger, Ben Glisczinski, and Eliza Grames, I couldn’t do
it without you all!
October Owl Banding Report by Ryan Steiner
early part of October marked the peak of Northern Saw-whet Owl migration. Easily the busiest part of the fall migration
in the owl banding shed, it is expected that even on nights when the wind is
coming up from the south we would still catch over 30 owls while nights with
good winds meant getting over 100 saw-whets was possible. With so many Northern Saw-whets coming
through the station, you start noticing the differences between each
individual. With variable amounts of
white on the face, throat, and chest each saw-whet looks a little different
from the last and every once in a while a beautiful bird with buffy or rusty
plumage will stand out from the rest. As
each of these owls were banded and released, we saw our season total rise in
leaps and bounds as the month progressed and ended October having banded 1,409
Northern Saw-whet Owls.
large chunk of this total was caught on October 6. The wind was blowing from the northwest that
night so I knew we should rack of a good total, but as we checked the nets the
first few hours we barely caught anything at all. The wind speed was high and it seemed the
owls weren’t moving. Finally, at 10:00
the winds suddenly dropped off to almost nothing and the owls began to
move. On the next two nets runs we caught
9 owls, a good but easily manageable number.
On the next net run we walked out expecting a similar number but were
shocked to find 46 owls had been caught in the last half hour! The night took off from there. I found myself stuck in the banding shed
processing owls as quickly as I could while all those who could came out and
extracted birds from the nets, walking the loop with almost no break and coming
back with armfuls of saw-whet owls! When
dawn came and we released the last owl back into the forest we were exhausted
but excited to have caught 238 Northern Saw-whet Owls in a single night, one of
the best single night totals ever at Hawk Ridge!
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Reed Turner recording molt data photo by Miranda Durbin |
Northern Saw-whet Owls photo by Ryan Steiner |
October has come to a close the saw-whet peak has come and past, and now these
small owls are only coming through as a trickle of late migrants. Replacing them however are the Long-eared
Owls. Our first Long-ear was caught in
the morning hours of the big saw-whet night on October 6 and we haven’t looked
back since. Although they have a much
worse temper than the mild mannered saw-whets, the Long-eared Owls with their
beautiful mottled and barred plumage have to be my favorite. Watching them stream overhead on their long
wings as the first light touches the eastern sky is incredible, even knowing we
are missing many of these difficult to capture birds. Each night of favorable winds sees Frank
Nicoletti out at the owl banding station with us on a mission to capture 30
Long-eareds in a single night, a difficult feat. Although we came close many times, it wasn’t
until the very end of the month, on October 29, that we were finally able to
reach this goal. Even on that night we
found ourselves stuck at 29 for a few hours until we found the last bird caught
in front of the caller on the very last net check. At the end of October we have caught 98
Long-eared Owls for the season, within striking distance of the 100 mark with a
little luck in November.
Long-eared Owl photo by Ryan Steiner |
would be impossible to give the highlights of October without mentioning Barred
Owls as well. This season has been an
incredible year for this species at Hawk Ridge.
The previous record for captures of this species was 9, a number which
we have shattered, having doubled that number by catching 18 individuals by the
end of October! The most exciting of these
was the Barred that tied the old record, who we found sitting on a branch next
to the net, unable to fly away as we ran up and grabbed it due to tangle of net
that had ensnared three of its toes.
From Barred Owl records to big Northern Saw-whet Owl and Long-eared Owl
flights, October has been an exciting month.
In the coming month we hope to add to our already big season totals (and
get over a hundred Long-eared Owls) for a strong end of the season in the first
part of November.
October Raptor Banding Report by Frank Nicoletti
Hawk banding during October was slow and conditions were unfavorable to capturing hawks and resulted in only 394 birds banded, luckily enough owls kept us all busy. No real cold front and thus no northwest-west winds came which kept raptors often high and off the ridge. The one exception was a strong front 13-17 of the month which produced the majority of the Northern Goshawk and Red-tailed Hawk for the month. There were some highlights; season first Rough-legged Hawk, banded at Moose Valley, forth Bald Eagle of the season and an adult borealis x harlan's Red-tailed Hawk.
Frank Nicoletti
Banding Director
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Ryan Steiner with a Barred Owl photo by Miranda Durbin |
October Raptor Banding Report by Frank Nicoletti
Hawk banding during October was slow and conditions were unfavorable to capturing hawks and resulted in only 394 birds banded, luckily enough owls kept us all busy. No real cold front and thus no northwest-west winds came which kept raptors often high and off the ridge. The one exception was a strong front 13-17 of the month which produced the majority of the Northern Goshawk and Red-tailed Hawk for the month. There were some highlights; season first Rough-legged Hawk, banded at Moose Valley, forth Bald Eagle of the season and an adult borealis x harlan's Red-tailed Hawk.
Adult male Northern Harrier photo by Frank Nicoletti |
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Rough-legged Hawk photo by Miranda Durbin |
"Northern" Red-tailed Hawk photo by Kate Nicoletti |
Frank Nicoletti
Banding Director