Friday, December 22, 2023

Hawk Ridge News - December 2023

 Dear Friends of Hawk Ridge,

Hawk Ridge Team 2023

Thank you so much for your support in 2023! We are grateful for the opportunity to continue building connections between people and birds with new and return visitors, bird conservation efforts with our spring/fall bird migration counts & bird banding research, and sharing our knowledge and enthusiasm for birds through our education programs. We appreciate our amazing staff, volunteers, beautiful birds, and YOU for helping make this all possible! We invite you to read the latest e-news below, which includes summaries from our fall season and other highlights (note: past e-news can be found HERE). We wish you a wonderful holiday season and hope to connect with you in 2024!   

Research & Education Summaries

November 2023 Bird Migration Count Report

HRBO_13NOV2023_Rough-legged Hawk dark morph by J Cosentino

The Fall 2023 migration count at Hawk Ridge continued through November with a total of 176.5 count hours over 30 consecutive days by the end of the month. A total of 2,410 raptors across 12 different species were documented from the platform during the month. The most abundant raptor species counted were: BALD EAGLE (1341), RED-TAILED HAWK (725), GOLDEN EAGLE (178), ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK (176), and SHARP-SHINNED HAWK (28). 

HRBO_2NOV2023_Golden Eagle by J Cosentino

Of these top five November species, the following had above-average November count totals: BALD EAGLE, GOLDEN EAGLE, SHARP-SHINNED HAWK. The following species had below-average November count totals: RED-TAILED HAWK, ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK. This month recorded a new HRBO November high count for GOLDEN EAGLE (Previous November high count: November 2012 with 150). The month of November also documented the latest HRBO fall count records for the following species: BROAD-WINGED HAWK (11/18), RED-SHOULDERED HAWK (11/23), and TURKEY VULTURE (11/30). 

Migrating Pine Siskins by K Bardon

The non-raptor flight along the Ridge continued through November, with 32 non-raptor migrant bird species documented. The most abundant non-raptor species documented throughout the month were: PINE SISKIN (2832), COMMON REDPOLL (2467), AMERICAN GOLDFINCH (1337), RED CROSSBILL (667), CANADA GOOSE (480), BOHEMIAN WAXWING (434), UNIDENTIFIED FINCH SPECIES (305), AMERICAN ROBIN (303), SNOW BUNTING (122), and WHITE-WINGED CROSSBILL (118). Non-raptor highlights included a late migrant ORANGE-CROWNED WARBLER on 11/1, late group of AMERICAN WHITE PELICANS (16) moving down the shore on 11/9, single late AMERICAN WHITE PELICAN the following day (11/10), and a large push of BOHEMIAN WAXWINGS (241) on 11/20. The 2023 HRBO fall migration count concluded on 11/30. 

Peregrine Falcon by F Nicoletti

This fall count logged 963 count hours, which represents the highest number of hours ever logged (Previous high being 2011 with 961). Some notable count highlights from this fall include: - New season high record for GOLDEN EAGLE (265) - New season high record for BLUE JAYS (78,631) - New day count high record for RED-HEADED WOODPECKER (10 on September 2) - New day count high record for SANDHILL CRANE (1,132 on October 7) - New HRBO October month high total for BROAD-WINGED HAWK (3,505) - New October month high total for TURKEY VULTURE (1,710) - Tying the second highest day count high record for PEREGRINE FALCON (25 on October 3) - Highest AMERICAN KESTREL season total (1,811) since 2005 - Latest fall record of BROAD-WINGED HAWK (November 18) - Latest fall record of TURKEY VULTURE (November 30)

Nov 27 2023 Snow Squall Hawk Ridge by J Cosentino

The HRBO count staff would like to extend a genuine thank you to everyone who came to visit the Ridge to visit, volunteer, or simply enjoy the spectacle of bird migration from the main overlook over the past fall season. The 2024 fall migration count will begin on 8/15/24. In the meantime, the HRBO spring migration count begins on March 1, 2024 from the West Skyline Parkway in Duluth: Be sure to come visit and enjoy the return of all the southbound migrant raptors that we counted this past fall as they return north! 

To view all species (raptor and non-raptor) totals for the Fall 2023 migration count at Hawk Ridge, visit: 

Jess Cosentino, Lead Counter

Fall 2023 Owl Banding Summary

Northern Saw-whet Owl by D Rodriguez

The previous two owl banding updates from Oct/Nov highlighted some of the best moments of season, but there were other great moments that made this season special. We’ll highlight some of those in this final update. We were able to band 1169 owls during the season. We banded 1,044 Saw-whet Owls, 121 Long-eared Owls, 3 Barred Owls and 1 Great Horned Owl. We were also able to process a total of 35 Saw-whet Owls that were already banded. One of these recaptured Saw-whet’s stole the show since it had a transmitter that was attached in our station back in 2020. The individual was a Hatch Year bird when it was originally banded so the bird is three years old. The transmitter was removed from the bird and Hawk Ridge researchers will use the data to analyze the movement of this individual. This is just an example of the great research opportunities that Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory conducts. 

Great Horned Owl 10-29-23 by D Rodriguez.

In spite of the high numbers, banding Saw-whet Owls never gets old. They’re an incredible species to study because of their incredible molt patterns, variation in facial appearance and their overall “adorable” looks. However, we also get to band other species as well. One of the biggest highlights of the season occurred on October 29. Our amazing lead raptor bander banded the biggest North American owl (by mass)—a Great Horned Owl. The owl weighted 1602 grams (56 ounces/ 3 pounds). For comparison, our heaviest Saw-whet Owl of the season weighted 115 grams (4 ounces/ 0.25 pounds). Big difference. Banding such big owl species makes any owl banding night very eventful—just ask any owl bander out there. 

Second Year molt of Northern Saw-whet Owl by K Garcia Lopez

This night was even more special since Hawk Ridge hosted a group of owl researchers that had just presented their work at the World Owl Conference that took place in Wisconsin earlier that week. This group consisted of two graduate students from Brazil and a PhD student from Turkey—all three are currently working on owl research. In spite of their respective owl expertise they were all amazed by the Great Horned Owl. This goes to show how remarkable and unique it is to see a Great Horned Owl being processed. The group was also able to see a couple of Saw-whet Owls as well and this experience brought the house down. They loved the smaller owl just as much as the Great Horned Owl. The researchers shared information about their current owl research with our owl team and our team provided insight about our work at Hawk Ridge. I’d like to take this time to thank them for spending a few hours with our team on a freezing night. We were all inspired by their work. 

Owl Bander Kevin with female Long-eared Owl by L Fortuna

The passion for owls is an international occurrence and it makes me very happy to know people are contributing to owl research and conservation globally. Now I’d like to switch gears and provide a few closing words about my experience as the lead owl bander at Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory during this Fall season. Migration is incredible. I grew up reading and watching documentaries about the great migration in Africa. Then I learned about annual migration of marine mammals during my previous job with Elephant Seals in California. After spending my fall in Duluth this season I can say that bird migration in Duluth is on par with everything I listed. I feel very fortunate that I was able to have a connection with owl migration in Duluth—my season was very special. Working with owls sounds amazing on paper. It truly is an amazing experience but it is also incredibly tough. Working from sunset to sunrise adds several challenges—odd sleeping schedules and freezing temperatures come to mind. 

Banding Apprentice Doris aging Long-eared Owl by K Garcia Lopez

So why owls? I am asked this at least twice a week. I work with owls because I always dreamed of contributing to their conservation, protection and research. This experience was a dream come true not only because I got to work with beautiful owls. But also because it provided me with an opportunity to teach our apprentices, trainees, and volunteers the fundamental of owl banding. It is truly an honor to help the next generation of biologists advance their career. 

Fall 2023 raptor banders visit Sax-Zim Bog for end of season celebration

I would like to thank Abbie for helping me join the Hawk Ridge community. Your constant support, knowledge and work ethic are a huge inspiration to me. Thank you to my supervisor Frank Nicoletti for your support and trust with the owl banding project. Thank you to Margie Menzies and David Alexander for sharing all your bird banding knowledge and for your support all season. Special thank you our banding apprentices Doris and Olivia for being incredibly patient with me as your owl banding supervisor. Your work ethic, willingness to learn, passion for the owls and support were among the big reasons why we had a successful season. I am proud of your accomplishments. 

Female Long-eared Owl by Kevin Garcia Lopez

Thank you to our trainees Marie, Megan and Sarah. All three of you learned the fundamentals of owl banding very quick and I am very proud of your progress during the season. Thank you to all the amazing volunteers (Kara, Grace, Halle, Peter, Anna, Gracie and Dana) who helped our team throughout the season. Thank you to the naturalist staff Sara, Sarah, Jamie, Jake and Chris for providing excellent owl programs to the public. Big thank you to Janelle for your support and for making me feel at home. Thank you to all the owls we banded and processed—all of hard work is dedicated to contribute to their conservation efforts. 

Kevin García López, Lead Owl Bander

Fall 2023 Passerine Banding Summary

It was a busy fall passerine banding season with 50 banding days at the main station stretching from August 9 through October 22. During the season we banded 2,236 new birds, recaptured 166 birds, and caught a total of 64 different species of birds through the season. We have about three species that typically slug it out for the number one bird banded each year- this year the Swainson’s Thrushes occupy that spot at 351 individual birds beating out the usual fierce competitor, the American Redstarts at number two this year at 347. 

American Redstart by K Bardon

The overall top ten list for the season was: 1- Swainson’s Thrushes*- 351; 2- American Redstarts*- 347; 3-Nashville Warblers- 198; 4-Magnolia Warblers*- 133; 5-White-throated Sparrows- 128; 6- Tennessee Warblers- 125; 7- Ruby-crowned Kinglets*- 121; 8-Ovenbirds*-75; 9- Veerys-54; and 10- Red-eyed Vireos- 50. (Asterisked species name indicate season high banding records for 2023 for these species). It was an exceptional year on many counts. 50 banding sessions was above our 12 year average of about 43 banding days per season, and we were far above our average season total passerines banded of 1,427, by more than 800 birds! Diversity of species was good this year with 64 different species banded. 

Black-throated Blue Warbler Sept 23 by A Valine

The fall warbler migration extended longer than normal at least for the early migrators- we banded a Connecticut Warbler* on Sept. 21 with a high season total of 4, and an adult male Black-throated Blue Warbler* on Sept. 29, which also hit a season high of 3 banded. It was an exceptional year for Rose- breasted Grosbeaks* with 35 captured far above the highest total of 21 captured in each of 2022, and 2019. Gray Catbirds* too were far above previous high totals with 38 banded in 2023, compared to the previous high of 19 in 2012. 

Golden-winged Warbler Fall 2023

Other season record totals happened with Blue-headed Vireos* with 17 caught, 22 Gray-cheeked Thrushes*, 10 Golden-winged Warblers*, 10 Northern Parulas*, 14 Blackpoll Warblers*, and 41 Wilson’s Warblers*. So a nice long highly successful fall migration season for the passerines this year, especially the warblers with 9 species hitting season high records this year! Thanks so much for all of the hours put in by volunteers at the passerine banding station, and also staff volunteer hours as well- we couldn’t do it without you!!

David Alexander & Margie Menzies

Lead Passerine Banders

Fall 2023 Raptor Banding Summary

Banded Merlin Fall 2023

The fall 2023 season marks the 51st year (52nd fall season since 1972) of the raptor banding and count at Hawk Ridge. Hawk Ridge is one of the longest running banding operations in the world, and its continuing efforts to collect data is of utmost importance, especially with the changing climate and shifting of species and weather patterns. We along with other professional organizations and individuals continue to work toward understanding the migration and summer and wintering range of birds across North and Central America. 

Fall 2023 banding team and trainees

This season we had both Hawk Ridge and Moose Valley running full time, while Paine Farm ran when we had extra volunteers. Hawk Ridge was operated by primarily by Abbie Valine, while Moose Valley was operated by Kara Beer. A big thanks goes out to David Alexander who was there whenever needed. This season we had two banding apprentices, Liv Fortuna and Doris Rodriguez. We also had trainees rotating through each department which included: Megan Hanson, Marie Chappell and Sarah Needles. Kevin Garcia Lopez was this season’s owl bander (fall owl banding report included in prior article). 

Peregrine Falcon Fall 2023

This season total of 2701 raptors captured is below our season’s average of 3620 since 2011. We banded 15 species of raptors, 11 hawks and 4 owls. This total includes 34 previously banded birds. Among the 2701 total raptors, there were 1482 diurnal (hawks) and 1219 nocturnal raptors (owls). The Hawk Ridge station for hawk banding was in operation daily from August 15 to November 30. Moose Valley ran from August 29 to November 2, while Paine Farm ran from September 6 to October 27. We logged a total of 173 days, which is well above our average of 201 station days since 2011. A total of 1482 hawks were banded during the fall, with monthly total as follows: 12 in August, 889 in September, 559 in October, 20 in November.

Northern Saw-whet Owl Fall 2023

Some of the noteworthy Northern Saw-whet Owl foreign recoveries from previous years came from 6 Wisconsin banding sites which includes Linwood Station, Falls Creek, Steven’s Point, Amherst, Plover, Clam Lake and Babcock, 2 stations in southern half of Minnesota- Quarry Hill Nature Center and Marine on the St Croix. We also had other interesting recoveries which included 3 from Whitefish Point, Michigan, one from March 23, 2021 and two from their summer banding, 2020 and 2021. It’s always exciting when we get a nestling recovery. We captured an owl banded as a nestling from Stoney Mountain, Manitoba by Jim Duncan who a long time owl researcher. We also had some from North Shore banding sites; French River, Wolf Ridge, Tofte and Silver Islet, Thunder Bay Bird Observatory. Our resident Eastern Screech Owl for the past 5 year unfortunately did not make an appearance. We are still waiting on the remainder of the reports from the Bird Banding Lab. 

Frank Nicoletti (center) with Kim Eckert and friends at hawkwatch Fall 2023

I would also like to thank the numerous volunteers and HRBO staff who helped in many ways, including Jess Cosentino and Sean McLaughlin for alerting the station of approaching raptors. Others who helped in various ways were Grace Glick, Ralph Larsen, Margie Menzies, Sarah Wood, Sara Depew. Thanks to Janelle Long, our Executive Director, who helps with so many ways often not seen by many. Finally, I would especially like to thank my wife Kate for all she does and for her support.

Frank Nicoletti, Senior Researcher

2023 Education Summary

Visitors at Hawk Ridge Fall 2023

As they say- “Fast away the old year passes!” Time to give you all a brief summary of all things education this past year. Hawk Ridge education programs were provided throughout the year and literally happened all over the world through the wonders of international bird travel and virtual programming via Zoom! 

Girl Scout Troop 4162 Bronze Star Service project at Hawk RidgeStarting with things a little closer to home, here's a review of our spring-fall programs. During the spring, we provided interpretation of the spring migration at our West Skyline Spring Count sites, as well as education programs for schools and other groups. During the summer, we partnered with other nature centers & summer camps and provided bird banding programs. We also worked with a number of groups at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve on service projects, such as trail building and maintenance, and creating a new native garden to educate about native species for disturbed areas. 

Naturalis Sara DePew Live Bird Demo Red-tailed Hawk

During the fall, daily education and interpretation about the migration was delivered to the general public, as well as live bird education demos (approx. 150 demos of beautiful banded raptors!), kid's cart activities, and weekend public programs every Saturday and Sunday. We also offered the popular evening owl programs with 2 Saturday public programs and 10 small group owl programs. Outreach programs were provided both virtually and in person, such as our Pick a Bird Brain Series highlighting Hawk Ridge research, special events - such as the Everyone Can Bird accessible birding event series, and many interviews for the media - TV, news articles, & radio. Lots of magic to be discovered learning, watching and experiencing birds at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve in 2023! 

Green Macaw courtesy M Menzies

Away from home, adventuresome bird travelers had the opportunity to visit Costa Rica with Hawk Ridge twice this year. The first was a Birder’s Paradise trip exploring a wide variety of habitats predominately on the Pacific side of the country with many highlight species including the critically endangered Great Green Macaw in good numbers, an eye-popping assortment of flashy hummingbird species, an amazing number of endemic species, and who could forget the Resplendent Quetzal in full breeding plumage! The second Costa Rica trip focused on migration in the fall largely along the Caribbean Coastline. We cheered the successful migrators including passerines like Bay-breasted and Golden-winged Warblers, Swainson’s Thrushes, Red-eyed Vireos, and many others. We traveled under the biggest raptor migration count ever seen in Costa Rica at Kekoldi count station, where they counted more than 1 million twenty-eight thousand raptors on Oct. 27th, 2023. Almost 20 times more Broad-winged Hawks in one day than we saw all season this year at Hawk Ridge (more than 196,000)! 

Hawk Ridge Staff Cam and Chris at Kids Cart

In total between our formal and informal education programs, over 440 programs were delivered by the Hawk Ridge Education team reaching over 10,100 participants. This includes over 290 programs to nearly 5700 participants through school/private groups, public programs, virtual programs, and outreach events, as well as over 150 informal programs shared through our live bird education demos to nearly 4400 participants. We also connected with thousands of visitors through our migration interpretation, visitor services, and kid’s cart activities. 

Hawk Ridge fall team 2023

A big thank you to all the amazing education staff in 2023 that helped make our programming possible and for sharing your passion, knowledge, and enthusiasm of birds with others. We had a rockstar team in 2023 with many return staff, as well as a a few new: Sara DePew (Lead Naturalist), Julia Luger, Sarah Wood, Jake Behrens, Jamie Tigges, Sophie Richardson, Chris Schnurbusch, Caroline Urban, Gracie Sangmeister, Peter Mundale, Erik Bruhnke, Cam Citrowske (Intern), and trainees - Megan Hanson, Marie Chappell, and Sarah Needles. We also couldn't have connected with all the visitors without the superstar help of our Visitor Services staff - Lisa Oakland and Tania Womack, as well as our wonderful volunteers! 

Naturalist Jake with bird release at Hawk Ridge

You can find future programs and events on our website at: We always appreciate you spreading the word about Hawk Ridge with friends, family, and neighbors and better yet - bring them to visit to share this amazing natural event happening every spring and fall here in Duluth! So much to see, so much to learn! Lots of amazing adventures await those who visit in 2024. 

Margie Menzies, Education Director

Fall 2023 Volunteer Summary

Banding Volunteer David Alexander

Another season has come and gone too quickly. Every year I look forward to meeting our new volunteers and seeing our returning volunteers! We kick-off and end each fall season with a potluck dinner filled with great camaraderie and bird talk! Every year we have volunteers that go above and beyond and one of those is David Alexander who is helps with both passerine and raptor banding as well as maintaining the banding sites. Each year he consistently volunteers around 250 hours or more! 

Volunteer Marsha at Hawk Ridge

A few other volunteers that led the way this fall with much appreciated time given at the Hawk Ridge main overlook were Tania Womack, Gail Marsman, & Marsha Kurka. We have many that also go above and beyond with their time serving on committees, board, helping with special projects, site maintenance and more. Thank you to all of our volunteers in every way! 

Valerie Slocum, Volunteer Coordinator

Thank you for Giving to the Max in November! 

GTMD 2023_Square_full color

We truly appreciate all those that gave during the special Minnesota Give to the Max event November 1-16th. Over $12,000 was raised between online & mailed donations, which exceeded our fundraising goal! 

Fall Raffle at the Ridge 

Northern Harrier Oct 22We held our annual fall Raptors Raffle at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve this October with drawing on October 31st. Thank you to all that purchased tickets in support of our bird research and education programs at Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory! Congratulations to the following raffle winners: 

1) Vortex Viper HD 8x42 Binoculars (winner: Ralph Larsen, Duluth, MN) 

2) Guided Winter Birding Daytrip for 2 with Frank Nicoletti (winner: Carissa Scanlan, St. Paul, MN) 

3) $100 Gift Certificate for Merchandise from the Hawk Ridge gift shop (winner: Jeanne Wright, Chippewa Falls, WI). 

International Birding Trip Update 

Ecuador - Birding the Choco-Andes Region 

February 25th - March 5th, 2024 (Trip is FULL - watch for our next trip in summer or fall 2024!) 

Please contact Hawk Ridge Education Director, Margie Menzies, with future birding trip ideas and to be first on the list to know! 

Hawk Migration Association of North America 

50th Anniversary Conference in Duluth, MN 

SAVE THE DATE! November 7-10, 2024 

HMANA 50th Logo FINAL Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory is happy to announce that the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) is holding their 50th anniversary conference here in Duluth, MN next year in Nov. 2024! Hawk Ridge is helping host and will keep you posted on details. You can check out the conference link HERE

Thank You for Your Support! 

American Goshawk by K BardonHawk Ridge Bird Observatory thanks all of our supporters. We appreciate you! As a nonprofit organization, we are primarily funded by individual gifts to put our bird migration research and education programs in action. Below are some of the ways you can help us keep sharing the magic of the bird migration! 

Support Hawk Ridge by Shopping! 

Lisa and Tania at Hawk Ridge Merchandise TrailerThank you for the wonderful support by shopping at our fall season gift shop this Sept/Oct. If there was an item you were hoping for, please check out our online shopping options below with some of our merchandise or contact 

Big Frog (direct ship or pick up at Duluth store) 

Bonfire (direct ship) 

The Mug Experience (direct ship) 

Become A Member Today! 

Hawk Ridge bird releaseIf you're already a member of Hawk Ridge, we sincerely appreciate your support! THANK YOU! If you're not a member and have enjoyed your experience with Hawk Ridge, we invite you to renew or join as a Hawk Ridge member today! Our memberships and donations help drive our bird conservation research and education programs. You can check out our exciting membership benefits and join or renew online HERE! 

Simply Donate 

Rainbow at Hawk Ridge by K BardonYou can always simply donate online by clicking HERE or by mailing a check made out to Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, P.O. Box 3006, Duluth, MN 55803. 

Thank you again for your wonderful gift of support! 

Wishing you all the best this holiday season and into 2024! THANK YOU!


Janelle Long

Executive Director

Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory

Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Notes from the Ridge: Fall Migration Count 2023 (November 16 - November 30)

The final chapters of fall migration on the Ridge began with south winds on November 16 with strong south winds and minimal raptor migrants, aside from a few BALD EAGLE (5) and RED-TAILED HAWK (7). The following day (November 17) brought a brief but strong morning pulse of BALD EAGLES (34) and a few GOLDEN EAGLES (7) mixing in; however, this momentum dramatically tapered off by noon. The day count total pushed the November Golden Eagle monthly total into the 2nd highest November total ever recorded at HRBO (and 3rd highest Golden Eagle season total ever!).
GOLDEN EAGLE passing along the Ridge on November 15 (Photo: Jess Cosentino)

November 18 finally brought the deeply coveted late season northwest winds! BALD EAGLES (166) and GOLDEN EAGLES (17) were moving in the first hours following sunrise, as the count hit 100 Bald Eagles almost exactly at the noon hour! Large groups of eagles continued to pool up on the shore, with anywhere between 20-30 kettling in large groups. The large eagles took their time to slowly work down the shore. The large Golden Eagle flight pushed the November monthly total into a new November record (153 - Previous November Golden Eagle high count: 150). One of the highlights on the day included a very late migrant BROAD-WINGED HAWK slowly passing down the shore mixed in with other buteos, initially spotted by former long-time HRBO count interpreter Erik Bruhnke around 2:30 PM. This is the latest fall record of Broad-winged Hawk ever recorded at HRBO (Previous late November BWHA record: November 17, 2020)

November 19 shifted to light south winds and a meager dribble of raptor migrants passed along the Ridge. A highlight on the included standing on the count platform with long-time HRBO volunteer and Duluth local, John Edwards, as an adult AMERICAN GOSHAWK slowly worked its way down the west side of the Ridge. The large accipiter briefly stalled out while going down the Ridge, spiraling in several circles for a few minutes, before continuing down the treeline - A fantastic look at a fantastic bird! Days like this on the Ridge can remind you that "good days" are not always about the numbers. Sometimes one great look at a single raptor coming down the Ridge is all it takes to make a day memorable.

November 20 brought more light south winds with a slower flight. There was good COMMON REDPOLL (230) movement down the Ridge, as well as several groups of BOHEMIAN WAXWING (241) all heading southwest. November 21 was a special day on the Ridge as blustery northwest winds churned down onto the lake: A new season total for GOLDEN EAGLE was set as five migrant Goldens passed by. Only eight fall counts have exceeded the 200-mark for Golden Eagle, so to set this new record this fall has been a special milestone to reach.
A classic late November day on the Ridge (November 21) as a new season record for GOLDEN EAGLES passed throughout the day (Photo: Jess Cosentino)

November 22 shifted back to moderate southwest winds with very little raptor movement. A single GOLDEN EAGLE passing directly overhead along the Ridge was the main highlight on the day. November 23 brought chilly temps (high 24 F!); however, great blustery northwest winds churned down onto the lake shore throughout the entire count period. Nearly all of the flight throughout the day would pass along the shoreline. A nice late season push of RED-TAILED HAWKS (27) would make a gradual procession south along the lake - pushing the season total over the 5000 mark! A couple of GOLDEN EAGLES and a few ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS (3) would pass as well; however, the highlight on the day included a late adult RED-SHOULDERED HAWK mixing in with the Red-tails along the lake shore. November records for Red-shoulders are sparse to begin with and generally restricted to the earlier days of the month, making this the latest HRBO fall count record.
Northwest winds continued into November 24 with a strong BALD EAGLE (59) flight passing down the shore, beginning in the mid-morning hours and lasting until noon at which point the momentum seemed to taper gradually into the afternoon. Another good push of RED-TAILED HAWKS (17) followed a similar shoreline flight line as yesterday while frosty temps continue into the late season (high of 26 F). A highlight on the day included an adult AMERICAN GOSHAWK rising over the summit in the early morning light while slowly pushing south down the Ridge just above the tree tops. The large accipiter was in no rush, pausing to circling overhead several times while providing excellent views in the crisp early morning air (15 F) before disappearing out of view behind the southwest horizon. 
 A shift to southwest winds on November 25 made for a day of nearly all BALD EAGLES (37) while a single young light-morph ROUGH-LEGGED made passage as well. The final raptor migrant would pass around 12:30 PM, with no others for the remainder of the afternoon. Southwest/west winds persisted into the following day (November 26) with heavy morning snow lifting by 10 AM. The first bird on the day being a young GOLDEN EAGLE appearing to the north as it slowly came down the Ridge - taking it's time as snowflakes drifted through the scope view. This is what November hawkwatching on the Ridge is all about! Five more Goldens would make passage throughout the day, all following very similar flightlines while cutting towards the summit from the north and dropping below the Ridge while passing low along the west side. A light-morph ROUGH-LEGGED HAWK coming down the lake shore added to a nice day of raptor diversity, while a handful of low BALD EAGLES (5) all seemed to pass low on the far west side, similar to the Goldens.
A fresh snowflake falls on optics while hawkwatching on the Ridge on November 26 (Photo: Jess Cosentino)

November 27 brought more northwest winds; however, visibility was poor due to light cloud and snow showers. Throughout most the morning, intermittent periods of less than 0.5 mile of visibility would temporarily clear before disappearing again. BALD EAGLES (14) were the primary raptor migrant on the day while a pair of light-morph ROUGH-LEGGED HAWKS would make passage as well. While it can often diminish overall visibility and detection, it is always a treat from an aesthetic standpoint to  witness late November flights on the Ridge where raptors are passing through a snow-filled sky while standing quietly upon the overlook, wrapped in down and wool, as the sun makes a low arc over the passing hours.

 Frosty conditions while counting from the overlook on November 27 as intermittent snow squalls limited visibility throughout much of the count period (Photo: Jess Cosentino)

November 28 shifted to southwest winds and a nice late season BALD EAGLE (41) came throughout the mid-morning, with nearly 20 passing in the first hour of the count alone; however, tapering off dramatically into the afternoon hours. West winds continued into November 29 with unseasonably warmer temperatures (40 F by afternoon). The sun was shining and warming the earth along the Ridge, with conditions more reminiscent of early October. Two GOLDEN EAGLES appeared over the summit to welcome the day - Always a good sign. BALD EAGLES (47) were moving down the shore with momentum picking up as the morning progressed; however, the overall migration pace was generally slow. The eagles continued to take their time moving down the shore, pooling up together in large groups in no rush to move south, while several more Goldens followed a similar lake shore flight line. One visitor to the overlook managed to get their "lifer" Golden as it came down the shore, while a second followed shortly behind. While counting is the inherent backbone of the migration count, there is a larger element of the hawkwatching community that is emphasized during little moments like this. Being able to step aside from the scope and let a visitor peer through to see their first Golden eagle during a record-breaking season for the species really is what hawkwatching is all about.
November 30 brought the final day of the fall migration count and the highlight included a very late migrant TURKEY VULTURE slowly passing down the shore throughout the early afternoon hours! This represents the latest record of this species during the HRBO fall count (previous late record: 11/18/17). A nice push of BALD EAGLES (27) and RED-TAILED HAWKS (10) made up the bulk of the flight on the day; however, it was the company that was the highlight. A crowd of hawkwatchers gathered at the overlook throughout the late morning and enjoyed the warm sun and passage migrants while reflecting on another season on the Ridge gone: Erik Bruhnke, Sarah Wood, Margie Menzies, Dave Carman, John Edwards, Ed Longway, Larry Snyder to name a few.

This is the final day for the HRBO fall migration count. This fall count logged 963 count hours, which represents the highest number of hours ever logged (Previous high being 2011 with 961). Some notable count highlights from this fall include:

- New season high record for GOLDEN EAGLE (265)

- New season high record for BLUE JAYS (78,631)

- New day count high record for RED-HEADED WOODPECKER (10 on September 2)

- New day count high record for SANDHILL CRANE (1,132 on October 7)

- New HRBO October month high total for BROAD-WINGED HAWK (3,505)

- New October month high total for TURKEY VULTURE (1,710)

- Tying the second highest day count high record for PEREGRINE FALCON (25 on October 3)

- Highest AMERICAN KESTREL season total (1,811) since 2005

- Latest fall record of BROAD-WINGED HAWK (November 18)

- Latest fall record of TURKEY VULTURE (November 30)

Thank you to everyone who has come to the Ridge to count, work, volunteer, visit, or simply discover raptor migration. This Ridge along Lake Superior's north shore is a special place. The bird migration that passed along it each fall is unlike any other place in the world. To those individuals who are fortunate enough to enjoy even a day standing along it, hopefully those memories carry with you for a lifetime.

There is a bittersweet cloud that lingers with the final day of the fall count here. Reflection on the long season that has passed highlights many fond memories while also cementing the realization that migration has finally come to an end. There is a sadness and beauty in watching another migration come and disappear in the darkness of winter. To share it with many people, from HRBO staff, volunteers, and visitors is a gift.

Thank you from the Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory count staff for another great fall migration count. This is a special place.  
Jess Cosentino
Lead Counter 

Monday, November 27, 2023

Hawk Ridge News - November 2023

 Dear Hawk Ridge Friends,


Naturalist Sarah W releasing dark morph Red-tailed Hawk by B Braga

November is always a special month to reflect on all the wonderful people that put Hawk Ridge into action during the fall - we had an amazing crew of staff and volunteers that we're so grateful for. Thanks to your support, we were able to continue sharing in the magic and beauty of the fall bird migration at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve with visitors of all ages, abilities, and from throughout the world. We appreciate each and every one of you! Our bird migration count and raptor banding research continues through November 30th. Over 270,000 birds have been counted so far, including over 41,500 raptors of 18 species. You can also check out the live bird migration count totals on Trektellen HERE and HawkCount HERE. Find out more in our October research & education summary reports below! 

P.S. If you missed our last e-newsletter featuring our September bird migration count and raptor banding summaries, you can view that and older versions by clicking HEREKeep up with recent news by following us on Facebook and Instagram


Give to the Max for Hawk Ridge!

NOW through Thursday, November 16th


Golden Eagle by H Toutonghi

The annual MN Nonprofit Giving Day - Give to the Max is HERE! As we're enjoying the beauty of Golden Eagles at Hawk Ridge, you can also help us win a $500 Golden Ticket! Any gift is eligible and Golden tickets will be awarded every 15 minutes all day long on Thurs. Nov. 16th. Please help us meet our goal of $7000 on this special giving day! 

GTMD 2023_Square_full color

You can easily make your gift online by visiting and searching for "Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory" or by simply clicking HERE to Give to the Max in support of Hawk Ridge! We truly appreciate your support and invite you to enjoy the Golden Eagles and other raptors at Hawk Ridge now through November 30th!   

October Bird Migration Count Summary

Hawk Ridge Counters Fall 2023 by Sara D

Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory (HRBO): Migration Count Overview (October 2023) The Fall 2023 migration count at Hawk Ridge continued through October with a total of 303.6 count hours over 31 consecutive days by the end of the month. This was the second highest October hourly total for count hours ever recorded during the fall count (High being October 2000 = 305.75 count hours). A total of 20,531 raptors across 17 different species were documented from the platform during the month. 

HRBO_17OCT2023_RTHA by Jess Cosentino

The most abundant raptor species counted were: SHARP-SHINNED HAWK (8,207), RED-TAILED HAWK (4,231), BROAD-WINGED HAWK (3,506), BALD EAGLE (1,740), TURKEY VULTURE (1,726). The following species had above-average October count totals: TURKEY VULTURE, OSPREY, NORTHERN HARRIER, SHARP-SHINNED HAWK, BROAD-WINGED HAWK, AMERICAN KESTREL, and PEREGRINE FALCON. The following species had below-average October count totals: BALD EAGLE, COOPER'S HAWK, AMERICAN GOSHAWK, RED-TAILED HAWK, GOLDEN EAGLE, and MERLIN. 

HRBO_15OCT2023 Broad-winged Hawk by J Cosentino

This month recorded HRBO site high record October totals for: BROAD-WINGED HAWKS, TURKEY VULTURES, and PEREGRINE FALCONS (86), meaning the highest October totals ever documented for each species. The delay in both Broad-winged and Turkey Vulture southward movement could have been related to several weeks of poor weather/wind conditions in September earlier this year. If migrant raptors remained held up at northern latitudes, their later passage along the Ridge into October could have been a result when, historically, migrant Broad-winged Hawks are documented in September (For reference, this past September experienced one of the lowest Broad-winged Hawk monthly totals ever recorded at HRBO for October). 

Peregrine Falcon by F Nicoletti

The large October Peregrine flight during the first week of the month was also really impressive! The two back-to-back days (Oct 3 and 4) brought 46 migrant Peregrines combined - absolutely incredible to witness from the Ridge. The first day (Oct 3) Peregrine Falcon day count total of 25 birds tied the second highest HRBO site day count record for this species (Tied with September 19, 2019). 

HRBO_17OCT2023 Short-eared Owl by J Cosentino

Additionally, the October BROAD-WINGED HAWK movement was an atypical spectacle to witness. Typical fall migration patterns have nearly all migrant Broad-winged Hawks passing HRBO by mid-to-late September, so to stand and witness kettles totaling 2,542 on 10/4 (which included one DARK-MORPH BROAD-WING!) felt special. The month also brought an adult RED-SHOULDERED HAWK close along the west side of the Ridge on 10/27 during a large buteo and eagle flight, and three SHORT-EARED OWLS (10/8, 10/18, 10/29) both along the Ridge directly overhead and down the shore. 

American Robin by S McLaughlin

The non-raptor flight along the Ridge gained momentum over October, with 91 non-raptor migrant bird species documented. The most abundant non-raptor species documented throughout the month were: AMERICAN ROBIN (19,932), AMERICAN CROW (7,665), RUSTY BLACKBIRD (7,408), PINE SISKIN (6,717), PURPLE FINCH (5,684), UNIDENTIFIED WARBLER SPECIES (5,196), COMMON GRACKLE (3,778), YELLOW-RUMPED WARBLER (3,446), CANADA GOOSE (3,276), BLUE JAY (1,275).

Beautiful Fall Colors at Hawk Ridge by J Cosentino

Other non-raptor migrant highlights from the month include: A late male BLACK-THROATED BLUE WARBLER during morning flight and first HARRIS'S SPARROW of the fall at the feeders on 10/2, Large RUSTY BLACKBIRD (4,107) and AMERICAN ROBIN (5,277) movement down the shore on 10/6 during morning flight, HRBO site day record for SANDHILL CRANES (1,132) on 10/7, First BOREAL CHICKADEE of the fall on 10/8, First BOHEMIAN WAXWING of the fall on 10/10, Big migrant AMERICAN CROW movement (1,159) down the shore on 10/12, late CHIMNEY SWIFT on 10/16, late EASTERN PHOEBE passing along the Ridge on 10/31, seven migrant BLACK-BACKED WOODPECKERS throughout the month, and two TOWNSEND'S SOLITAIRES (10/15 and 10/16 - possibly the same bird).

To view all species (raptor and non-raptor) totals for the Fall 2023 migration count at Hawk Ridge, visit:

By Jess Cosentino

Lead Counter

October Raptor Banding Summary

Abbie Valine with hatch year Bald Eagle by Frank Nicoletti

After a rather anticlimactic end to September, October started out strong with some of our busiest days of the season in the first week. However, the theme of the season was still poor weather, and we were plagued with a long stretch of just one to two birds a day in mid-October. The last week of the month picked up significantly, however, with a solid flight of Red-tailed Hawks and nice looks at typical late-season birds like Rough-legged Hawks and Golden Eagles. American Goshawk numbers have been extremely low this season, with only 6 banded in October and 7 for the season to date (compared to the 12-year average of 88.4 per season). These low numbers are hopefully indicative of a high prey density in the breeding range resulting in birds not needing to move far in search of food, rather than a decline in overall numbers. Most of the month of October was quite warm and wet, which did not promote strong movement of hungry birds. 

Banding Apprentices - Doris with juvenile female Northern Harrier and Liv Fortuna and adult female Northern Harrier photo by Abbie Valine

Despite the lower numbers for the month, we put in a valiant effort with three stations covered a total of 62 days. The Hawk Ridge and Moose Valley stations were covered primarily by Abbie Valine and Kara Beer, respectively, while Frank Nicoletti ran Paine Farm as well as relief days at Hawk Ridge. Banding apprentices Liv Fortuna and Doris Rodriguez made excellent progress throughout the month refining their banding and trapping skills, while trainees Megan Hanson, Marie Chappell, and Sarah Needles solidified the basics of raptor handling and banding. 

Hatch-year Swainson's Hawk by D Rodriguez

The biggest highlight of the month was a juvenile Swainson’s Hawk banded at Moose Valley—only the 5th one banded in 51 years, and the first since 2016. Other highlights included a juvenile male Bald Eagle captured at Moose Valley, and a new daily record of 16 Northern Harriers captured at the Hawk Ridge station.


Swainson's Hawk by D Rodriguez

October Raptor Banding Totals: 

Second Year Peregrine Falcon by D Rodriguez

Northern Harrier – 30 

Sharp-shinned Hawk – 427 

Cooper’s Hawk – 8 

American Goshawk – 6 

Swainson’s Hawk – 1 

Red-tailed Hawk – 60 

American Kestrel – 4 

Merlin – 17 

Peregrine Falcon – 5 

Bald Eagle – 1 

Northern Shrike – 3 

Total – 562

By Abbie Valine

Lead Bander

October Owl Banding Summary

Female Northern Saw-whet Owl by Doris Rodriguez

Hoot-hoot everyone! For the second half of the Hawk Ridge fall owl banding season, the banders were able to run mist-nets for 13 nights from October 16 to November 10. Snow, rain, high wind speeds slowed down banding operations for a few nights, but our resilient banders put on extra layers to stay warm and their extraction skills remained sharp, as they removed thousands of leaves from their nets. 

Migration certainly slowed for Northern Saw-whet Owls (NSWO) during the second half of the season. 185 NSWO were banded and 5 Saw-whet’s that already had a band were processed. The final big push of the season brought 45 Saw-whet’s to our station on October 20th. This may seem low compared to our big night of the season that consisted of 150 plus Saw-whet’s during the night of October 7th. But it served as a nice farewell to the high Saw- whet movement. On October 28th apprentice Sarah had the honor of banding a celebrity Saw-whet—the 1000th NSWO of the season. This was a major milestone for the season since this number had not been reached since 2020. 

Saw-whet Owl Numbers (Oct. 16-Nov. 10)

Sex: Male 2, Female 143, Unknown 40 

Age: Hatch Year 100, Second Year 31, After Hatch Year 36 

Volunteer Anna processing Long-eared Owl by Kevin Garcia Lopez

Our previous owl banding update highlighted the charismatic Saw-whet Owls, but the spotlight of the second half shifted to the Long-eared Owls (LEOW). We had steady LEOW numbers during the first half of the season and twenty seven individuals were banded by October 15. Owl banders had three big LEOW nights. The first of these three nights happened during the morning of October 22. By 1:00 am, banders had only caught one single Saw-whet owl. At 1:15 am they caught a Long-eared owl. Three more LEOW’s were caught during the next net check. As our owl bander was in the process of releasing the banded owls, he almost looked as shocked as Long-eared Owls look when he noticed that eight more LEOW were caught in the nets. What a time! He was able to extract all eight individuals thanks to the support of two of our dedicated volunteers. By end of the night they ended up banding thirteen Long-eared Owls. 

100th Long-eared Owl of season by A Johnson

Our next big Long-eared night took place on November 3rd. We ended up banding twenty LEOW. Fifteen of these were caught from 8:00 pm to 11:30 pm. The remaining five came in from 1:00 am to 5:00 am. One LEOW per hour. This night was not only special because we ended up banding 20 LEOW (our season high), but also because we banded our 75th LEOW of the season. But After Second Year 17 Unknown Age 1 what truly made this night special was that we had our full banding team including our Lead bander Abbie, our diurnal bander Kara and our banding apprentices Doris and Liv. We wouldn’t have banded as many LEOW without their support. 

On the night of November 7 we caught eleven more LEOW. Prior to this night we had a total of 95 LEOW. We knew this was going to the be the night we made it to 100. Fortunately everything lined up; weather, flight and the 100th Long-eared of the season was caught at 2:15 am. A great milestone for the season. 

Long-eared Owl Numbers (Oct 16-Nov 10) 

Sex: Male 30, Female 55, Unknown 7 

Age: HY 11, AHY 45, ASY 23, Unknown 13

By Kevin Garcia Lopez

Owl Bander


October Education Summary

Another fall education season has quickly flown by. A few hints of snow, but nothing too serious this year, just enough to remind us that winter is truly coming. Plenty of activity going on at the overlook during October. For school and private programming September is just a warm up for the main attraction in October. This October we had 60 school and private program groups during Monday through Fridays at the Ridge (compared to 21 school and private programs in September), an additional 28 general public programs over the weekends, 6 owl programs, and 48 visiting birds from the banding stations for demonstrations and public releases, totaling about 142 programs with more than 3100 participants! And a good time was had by all! 

Everyone Can Bird Event at Hawk Ridge Oct 2023 by M Menzies

On October 14th, we celebrated World Migratory Bird day with a cooperative venture of area groups working to make birding accessible to all by celebrating our 4th Everyone Can Bird day at Hawk Ridge with our largest turnout so far with about 35 who came for the morning programming and migration tracking. Thanks to the Lake Superior National Estuarine Research Reserve (NERR), Friends of the Lake Superior NERR, Minnesota Land Trust, Wisconsin Sea Grant, and Embark, and our ASL interpreters for teaming up with Hawk Ridge for this event! The 14th was also our fall Duluth Community Day Celebration and we recorded a total of 293 visitors through the course of the day celebrating Duluth and fall migration.

Thanks to Bob Rosenfeld, for baling out our Oct. 21 Owl program with his captive Great Horned Owl (a non-releasable bird with eyesight issues). The rain that day was supposed to quit, first by noon, then by 3, but was still going strong at 6, when we opted for plan B an indoor Owl Public Owl Program at the Limnology Lab. Another Lake Superior special day- that’s what I call it when the big lake makes weather hang on longer than it should! Of course we weren’t able to have any guests from our Hawk Ridge Owl banding station, but were so lucky to have Bob and his Great Horned Owl to fill in the live owl component for the program! It was truly a night not to be missed, and we all learned an amazing amount about owls and Great Horned Owls in particular. Thanks so much to Bob Rosenfeld, retired professor from University of Wisconsin, Stevens Point, and his owl for making the rainy day owl program a smashing success!

The end of the formal education season at Hawk Ridge traditionally is always Halloween day, October 31st. Which unfortunately I missed this year with the excuse of being in Costa Rica with the Hawk Ridge tour observing the migration there- which was amazing!! But back to the Halloween festivities- I was provided with a great summary of the wide range of costumes that appeared to celebrate this last day of the season. Included in the staff entourage were: A flock of migrating birds flying through blue skies and clouds, A festive Halloween pin model, A female Sharp-shinned Hawk in a Pringles can being transported for demonstration purposes, a Shark, A butterfly and its caterpillar (still trying to figure out how we had both at the same time!) An Angry Bird, A Kingfisher, An adult male Grey Ghost Northern Harrier, A mist net full of captured birds for banding, A fancy Ketchup package, A discology of Taylor Swift, A Hawk- still working on speciation for this one, a Grey Catbird, and Last but not least all the way from Africa, a Secretary Bird! Thank you Tania for sharing the fun long distance! Not all of the amazing education and operation staff are represented in this great photo- but I can’t put the season to bed without expressing how grateful we are for such an incredible group of staff and volunteers to share the wonder of the wonder of the fall migration with our visitors! 
A quick summary of the fall season is also in order here to put the whole education season in perspective for the fall. Sept. and October program numbers combined indicate that we provided more than 311 formal education opportunities to about 7,400 participants! It was an amazing and busy season!!

By Margie Menzies

Education Director

Fall Raffle at the Ridge

Northern Harrier Oct 22

We held our annual fall Raptors Raffle at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve this October with drawing on October 31st. Thank you to all that purchased tickets in support of our bird research and education programs at Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory! Congratulations to the following raffle winners:  

1) Vortex Viper HD 8x42 Binoculars (winner: Ralph Larsen, Duluth, MN)

2) Guided Winter Birding Daytrip for 2 with Frank Nicoletti (winner: Carissa Scanlan, St. Paul, MN)

3) $100 Gift Certificate for Merchandise from the Hawk Ridge gift shop (winner: Jeanne Wright, Chippewa Falls, WI). 

International Birding Trip Update 

Ecuador - Birding the Choco-Andes Region
February 25th - March 5th, 2024 
(Trip is FULL - watch for our next trip in summer or fall 2024!) 

Please contact Hawk Ridge Education Director, Margie Menzies, with future birding trip ideas and to be first on the list to know!

Hawk Migration Association of North America
SAVE THE DATE! November 7-10, 2024

HMANA 50th Logo FINAL (white background)
Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory is happy to announce that the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMANA) is holding their 50th anniversary conference here in Duluth, MN next year in Nov. 2024! Hawk Ridge is helping host and will keep you posted on details. You can check out the conference link HERE

Thank You for Your Support!

American Goshawk by K BardonHawk Ridge Bird Observatory thanks all of our supporters. We appreciate you! As a nonprofit organization, we are primarily funded by individual gifts to put our bird migration research and education programs in action. Below are some of the ways you can help us keep sharing the magic of the bird migration!

Support Hawk Ridge by Shopping!


Lisa and Tania at Hawk Ridge Merchandise TrailerThank you for the wonderful support by shopping at our fall season gift shop this Sept/Oct. If there was an item you were hoping for, please check out our online shopping options below with some of our merchandise or contact 

Big Frog (direct ship or pick up at Duluth store)

Bonfire (direct ship)

The Mug Experience (direct ship)

Whole Foods Co-op Logo

Thank you Whole Foods Co-Op Duluth!

A special thanks to Duluth Whole Foods Co-Op and members for the Community Giving round-up program in support of Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory! As the September recipient and through your generosity, we received over $5,500 in round-up donations! P.S. If you know of other businesses that have special ways to support nonprofits, like Hawk Ridge, please let us know by sending an email to Thank you! 

Become A Member Today!


Hawk Ridge bird release

If you're already a member of Hawk Ridge, we sincerely appreciate your support! THANK YOU! If you're not a member and have enjoyed your experience with Hawk Ridge, we invite you to renew or join as a Hawk Ridge member today! Our memberships and donations help drive our bird conservation research and education programs. You can check out our exciting membership benefits and join or renew online HERE!


Rainbow at Hawk Ridge by K Bardon

Simply Donate


You can always simply donate online by clicking HERE or by mailing a check made out to Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, P.O. Box 3006, Duluth, MN 55803.

Thank you again for your wonderful gift of support! Hope to connect with you soon!  


Janelle Long
Executive Director
Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory

Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory
P.O. Box 3006
Duluth, MN 55803-3006
Call: 218-428-6209
501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization

Federal Tax ID 76-0746366