Dear Hawk Ridge Friends,
Happy 2023! We hope it's been a great start to the year for you! A special thanks to all those that helped support Hawk Ridge in 2022 - you can read our highlights HERE. We are excited to share more bird education and research with you with several events coming up soon! Join us for our Boreal Birds Exploration Weekend March 10-12th, monthly virtual programs featuring Hawk Ridge research (next is Thurs. 2/23 @7pm), the West Skyline Spring Count running March 1-May 31st, a second trip to Costa Rica for this fall, and more! Find out more on how to sign up by reading below!
P.S. If you missed our last e-newsletter, you can view that and older versions by clicking HERE.
2022 Research & Education Summary Reports

Here are the links to our 2022 fall research and education summaries:
Fall 2022 Bird Migration Count Summary (raptor count totals HERE)
Fall 2022 Raptor Banding Summary
Upcoming Events
Boreal Birds Exploration Weekend
March 11-12, 2023 (w/optional add-on March 10)
Northern Minnesota is well known as one of the best places in the US to see beautiful boreal birds! Mid-March is a great time to look for some of these amazing resident winter birds and those that over-winter here from points further north. It also has the advantage of being a bit warmer than earlier in winter, as well as having spring migration underway for a number of species, such as Bald & Golden Eagles. We will learn about the ecology of the northern landscape, which is the backbone for who can be found where - each of these birds has a story! Join leaders Frank Nicoletti and Margie Menzies for a fascinating 2-day weekend exploration of this area (with optional Fri. afternoon trip in Duluth/Superior area).
Depending on conditions and where the birds are, we will spread our weekend adventure over two distinct locations, the Sax-Zim Bog area to the northwest of Duluth and the Superior National Forest and North Shore of Lake Superior to the northeast. We will see what skill and luck can find us and take a closer look at patterns and conditions that contribute to the story of each of these species of birds. Possible species include Great Gray Owl, Black-backed Woodpecker, Boreal Chickadee, Northern Hawk-Owl, Ruffed Grouse, Spruce Grouse, Evening Grosbeak, Northern Shrike, Black-billed Magpie, White-winged Crossbill, Pine Grosbeak, Canada Jay, Common Redpoll, Bohemian Waxwings, and many more!

Optional Friday March 10th afternoon trip: If you are able to come in earlier on Friday, we will offer an afternoon exploration in the Duluth/Superior area, which could include depending on harbor ice conditions, birds in the harbor including gulls and ducks, searching for Snowy Owls in the harbor area, a visit to the Hawk Ridge West Skyline Spring Count site, or other bird highlights that might be happening in the local area. This would run from roughly 1 pm til dusk. Add-on cost: $50 members/$75 non
COST: $200 Members/ Master Naturalists ($50 add-on for Friday), $250 Non-members ($75 add-on for Friday)
REGISTER HERE TODAY or go to and find more info under our Events tab! Space is limited to 12 (min. 8). Registration must be complete by no later than Fri. 3/3 or will close once full.
Pick a Bird Brain Virtual Program Series
The 2023 Pick a Bird Brain series is focused on highlighting some of the amazing research projects with Hawk Ridge. Each month through the winter/spring we will feature a different project and you will have a front row seat to find out more about what we have been learning. Programs are free, but pre-registration is required, with a registration link provided in each presentation’s description.
The Forever Chemicals: What Do We Need to Know About Their Effects on Birds and How Will We Learn It?
The last two decades have seen a marked increase in concern over the effects of PFAS on humans and wildlife. PFAS, or polyfluoralkyl substances, often called “the forever chemicals,” are persistent contaminants that enter the environment from a variety of sources, including manufacturing, landfills, and fire suppression. Among vertebrates, birds appear to be of particular concern for both exposure and effects. Reported effects on birds include early embryo mortality, failure to hatch, and high post hatching mortality. The specific mechanisms causing these effects are still poorly understood but may include disruptions of thyroid hormone signaling and fatty acid metabolism.
Dr. Matt Etterson, Hawk Ridge Research Chair, will present findings from a recently completed study that surveyed birds of prey trapped during migration at Hawk Ridge or admitted as patients to The Raptor Center. For the study, up to 33 PFAS chemicals were investigated in blood samples from 11 species of diurnal and nocturnal raptors. Patterns of contamination were investigated in relation to the biology and life history of the species including size, diet, and taxonomy. Dr. Etterson will also provide a general background on avian PFAS work being done in Duluth and nationally as concern increases over this very large class of chemicals.

Cost: Free (donations are always appreciated!)
P.S. If you missed the January Pick a Bird Brain virtual event by Emily Pavlovic, you can view it here:
The Secrets that Feathers Hold: Using Feathers to Trace Migration (YouTube recording from Jan. 24th, 2023)
March 1 - May 31, 2023

2023 marks the 6th consecutive, full spring season of bird migration monitoring research at the West Skyline Spring Count in Duluth, MN! This is one of the premier spring bird migration sites in North America with record numbers of Bald and Golden Eagles, as well as other raptor species. The spring migration count average from 2018-2022 is 24,000 raptors and thousands of other migrating birds. Over 130 different bird species were recorded in 2022! Spring migration highlights include an amazing diversity of 15-20 different raptor species, as outlined:
Peak for each species (high counts listed)
- Eagles: around March 25 (Bald: 100-500/day; Golden: 10/day)
- Rough-legged Hawks: April 10-20 (up to 75/day)
- Red-tailed Hawks: April 10-20 (1,000-2,000/day)
- Broad-winged Hawks: May 1-10 (3,000-4,000/day)
- Sharp-shinned Hawks: April 10-20 (up to 450/day)

Sept. 15th-17th, 2023

Come and celebrate the amazing fall bird migration with us! Hawk Weekend is the annual festival held by Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory in Duluth, MN. Bird migration research and education programs have been shared with visitors throughout the world each fall at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve for over 50 years! Join us for a fun weekend with a variety of birding field trips, nature hikes, programs, and activities for all ages! Registration and more info coming soon!
Hawk Ridge and Holbrook Travel are off on another fascinating Costa Rica Adventure in the fall of 2023. A perfect excursion for nature lovers and avid birders- particularly those who have an interest in raptors! Venture to the Caribbean coastline and remote Tortuguero National Park, well known as one of the most important sea turtle nesting sites in the world, but also an extensive network of waterways and diverse species of birds and other wildlife.

The famed raptor hotspot of Kéköldi Indigenous Reserve is up next and there we will be witnessing not only raptors but other migratory birds streaming through on their way south during some of the heaviest traffic times in one of the busiest migration places in the world! It’s possible to see species like the Broad-winged Hawk, Peregrine Falcon, Osprey, and more. The numbers of birds who use this thoroughfare are mind-bending and October is usually when the highest counts happen.
Then journey inland to discover the rainforests of Selva Verde, our private eco-reserve set on 500 protected acres that hundreds of bird species call home. Take guided hikes in the private rainforest reserve at Selva Verde Lodge, with opportunities to see birds like the Keel-billed Toucan, Sunbittern, and endangered Great Green Macaw. We will also bird the trails of the world-renowned La Selva Biological Station, where more than half of Costa Rica’s species have been recorded.
Each day provides a variety of opportunities to make the most of the birding/nature touring available, as well as options for individual exploration and leisure time. You will be traveling with other nature enthusiasts to all share an amazing spectrum of bird experiences and knowledge. All meals are included and dining is often arranged outdoors or in private group seating. Your guides will be Hawk Ridge Education Director, Margie Menzies, and Mario Cordoba. Margie will be leading a spring 2023 international birding trip in Costa Rica and has also traveled to and bird banded in Costa Rica. Mario Cordoba has been a nature guide in Costa Rica for over 2 decades.
Don’t miss this incredible experience! Space on this trip is limited to 10, and final payment for the trip is due July 21, 2023. REGISTER HERE today! Questions? Contact Debbie Sturdivant Jordan at 866-748-6146 or, or Margie Menzies Hope to see you in October!
Thank You for Your Support!
Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory thanks all of our supporters. We appreciate you! As a nonprofit organization, we are primarily funded by individual gifts to put our bird migration research and education programs in action. Below are some of the ways you can help us keep sharing the magic of the bird migration!
Support Hawk Ridge by Shopping!
If you missed out on getting a limited edition 50th anniversary shirt or mug - you can still do so today! Purchase a variety of Hawk Ridge merchandise at the links below:
Big Frog (direct ship or pick up at Duluth store)
The Mug Experience - 50th mug (direct ship)

Become A Member Today!
If you're already a member of Hawk Ridge, we sincerely appreciate your support! THANK YOU! If you're not a member and have enjoyed your experience with Hawk Ridge, we invite you to renew or join as a Hawk Ridge member today! Our memberships and donations help drive our bird conservation research and education programs. You can check out our exciting membership benefits and join or renew online HERE!
Simply Donate
You can always simply donate online by clicking HERE or by mailing a check made out to Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory, P.O. Box 3006, Duluth, MN 55803.
Janelle Long
Executive Director
Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory
Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory
P.O. Box 3006
Duluth, MN 55803-3006
Call: 218-428-6209
501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization
Federal Tax ID 76-0746366