Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Hawk Ridge Banding Report: November 20-30, 2013 and Final Season Totals

This period saw several good days of banding, notable were the 23th and 26th with strong northwest winds. Both days brought 4 adult goshawk each. The period included: 1 Sharp-shinned Hawk, 11 Northern Goshawks and a Long-eared Owl. 


This season a total of 2,019 hawks were banded and include: 4 Bald Eagle, 24 Northern Harrier, 1,593 Sharp-shinned Hawk, 41 Cooper's Hawk, 87 Northern Goshawk, 14 Broad-winged Hawk, 125 Red-tailed Hawk, 31 Rough-legged Hawk, 36 American Kestrel, 55 Merlin and 9 Peregrine Falcon. 

This season a total of 1,121 owl were banded and include: 996 Northern Saw-whet Owl (plus 71 previously banded), 120 Long-eared Owl and 5 Barred Owl (plus 1 previously banded).

A full banding summary will be included in the Hawk Ridge Newsletter with many of the important details. Please consider becoming a member of the Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory to recieve this and learn about the many other important activities that Hawk Ridge conducts during the year.

I would like to thank the staff and the many volunteers who made this season a great success.


Thank you and have a great Holiday Season!

Northern Goshawk, image by F. Nicoletti

Frank Nicoletti

Banding Director, Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory 

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