Thursday, September 19, 2013

Hawk Ridge Volunteers

Being a volunteer at Hawk Ridge has many perks. One perk is that you are able to work closely with the amazing birds that are flying passed or getting caught and banded at our banding station. Volunteers are able to hold and release birds that are not being adopted at the overlook. Below are photos of volunteer, Mary Slattery, holding and releasing a juvenile male Sharp-shinned Hawk that was caught at our banding station and brought up to the overlook for education and release.

Mary is a returning volunteer that has been dedicating her time to Hawk Ridge during the fall season for many years. Her passion for Hawk Ridge shines through in all the time she spends up there, as well as, her willingness to help out with what is needed to get done. Mary is retired from work so she likes to spend time at the main overlook assisting our staff and other volunteers. Mary also has an interest in art and likes to spend time with her loving dog Sadie. Mary is a great person to chat with and fun to be around. If you have the chance to get to know her this fall, you are a lucky person. Thanks for all you do Mary!

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