Thursday, September 5, 2013

Introducing the NEW Hawk Ridge Blog!

Welcome to our new Hawk Ridge Blog! We are excited to share our news with you through this site. Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory staff will be contributing to this daily throughout the fall season. Each day will be devoted to a different important area to reflect all facets of the mission of our organization. You will find weekly summaries and stories about the count and banding research, education programs, volunteering at Hawk Ridge, fall migration highlights and identification tools, facilities and merchandise at Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve, visitors, special events, and more. We look forward to having you connect with us through our blog and up at Hawk Ridge! Thanks for your support!


  1. Wonderful idea! I am looking forward to the posts.

  2. Apparently I MISSED the Hawk Ridge migration weekend ! :-( how can I sign up to receive posts???
